Thanos and Loki had an agreement. In exchange for the tesseract, he would supply the Chitauri army for Loki to invade Earth and become the supreme ruler. injustice 2 joker costumes
He did gave Loki the mind controlling scepter which contains the mind stone which I would interpret as Thanos trying to experiment and test the powers of each stone and gaining information from everyone around that might help him reach his ultimate goal. By doing so, he might acquire valuable information on Earth by learning about their army and technological capacities. charlie and the chocolate factory anime
Thanos is not interested in ruling the universe but he is interested in collecting all the infinity stones. In the comics, he wants to impress Lady Death but in the film,he wants to do it in order to save the universe.
He once offered killing half of his own planet’s population (Titan) in order to save all of them. But of course, everyone dismissed this idea and thought he was mad. But in the end, his own planet was destroyed. He vows that he will not make it happen again.
For Thanos, he is the hero of his own story. The Universe is getting too populated and that the resources were finite. So his solution is wiping out half of all living beings so that the other half may live or else all life in the universe will cease to exist. He did it once by invading planets and mass murdering them like what he did to Gamora and Nebula's homes. Eventually, he got tired of that and decided to search for the infinity stones so he can do it with the snap of his fingers. avatar roku cosplay
He made several people search the stones including Gamora for various reasons. Maybe he wants to test the capacities of his followers or prove their loyalty to him but when these people failed like, he finally decided to do it himself.
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